Where a Startup Grows Stronger, and With Who: Advantages of Using an Accelerator

INTEMA Accelerator: Why Us?
When a budding businessman is not just obsessed with the idea of launching his project but is ready to do everything and even more to promote his business, the whole world is there to offer assistance. The accelerator is just one of such assistants for startups.

Where Does a Startup Get Stronger?
The INTEMA Accelerator is a space for AI startups where you, as a novice entrepreneur, can have multiple opportunities to develop your business in an accelerated manner, with the maximum results possible. What opportunities are we talking about.
Firstly, it is technical and business expertise. Making use of recommendations from world-class experts from leading companies, you will be able to significantly improve your product and prepare it for market launch.
Secondly, it is a unique opportunity to test your hypotheses and AI and machine learning algorithms using a supercomputer.
Thirdly, your startup will be able to conduct experiments and research under conditions as close to real business challenges as possible.
Then your startup will be able to test the resulting product on real consumers and receive their feedback in real time. And it is at this stage that your newly established company may start earning its first income.
Fourthly, those projects that demonstrate high results will attract investments at the acceleration stage, and extra investments from the venture fund later.
The INTEMA Accelerator program includes in-depth training in nine main areas related to market research, product development, business model and strategy development, and many more.

Who Makes Your Startup Stronger?
An important advantage of the INTEMA Accelerator is the cooperation with experts from the top global companies: leaders of the artificial intelligence, venture funds and world-renowned universities.
Who are they? Successful businessmen and experts from Facebook, Google, Samsung, Nvidia and other IT giants with enormous experience in the markets of the U.S., China, Israel, Europe and the U.K., angel investors and professionals with the best technical expertise. All of them are ready to share their experience, give their support in difficult moments, help you correctly prioritize your tasks, give their guidance, and suggest solutions to the most difficult problems.

Where to Seek Assistance to Strengthen Your Startup?
If you are in doubt whether you are ready for acceleration, you need to determine the readiness of your project: at what stage you are, what kind of team you have, whether an initial market assessment has been carried out, and the approximate market volume.
Once all the preparatory work has been done, and the team is fully mobilised and ready for serious productive work, it is time for you to send an application to the INTEMA Accelerator.
There are many unexpected questions and tasks a novice entrepreneur is facing that require immediate and decisive response. But with the support from the INTEMA Accelerator experts, such a path can lead you to success in a business that the whole world will be talking about.